Monday, January 8, 2007

First day at home

So this is my first day at home after quitting my job... and luckily it wasn't too bad ! After months of deliberating if quitting work and staying home with my toddler will help her, we finally went ahead and decided it was worth it.

My daughter currently is 17 months old. And I thought she'll get adjusted to daycare in a breeze, since she just LOVES toys and playtime. Well I was wrong. She needed ME... end of story. She won't eat by herself, she would scream like she was going to pass out whenever we dropped her in the morning. I thought I was seriously depressed ever since she started daycare. Especially with her daily report from the teacher saying 'None' or 'Very little' under Lunch each day.

And it's not that I blame the teachers.. There's very little they can do, especially of there are just two for around 10 kids ! Seriously, do you think I can handle 5 kids alone, and everyone being the same age... Who are they kidding ?! And they have their list of to-do stuff ... Change diapers every 1/2 hr, fill out the papers each time they do anything, get the food on the table, set up their beds when the kids are eating, put everyone to sleep and in the meantime squeeze some time for their breakfast, lunch etc... That explains why my daughter looks unkempt, with dried out lunch on her face, runny nose and cookie crumbs in her hands and shirt.

And seeing her running towards me when she sees my face through the window, that broke my heart every single day. But the major hindrance factor was.. I love to work. And I've never been a full-time mom since my daughter was born. Can I handle it, without going insane ? That was my biggest question. How long can I survive a full-time at home mom ? Only time will tell.. Till then let me enjoy my love of my life.. my daughter !

Saturday, January 6, 2007

The first one..

Wow, where do I even start ? This is really weird.. Every second of every day, my brain is overloaded with thousands of thoughts.. but when I try to put it in words, its a totally different story.

I know any non-Tamils who read this post will be wondering, "What on earth does this blog's name 'anub.. whatever' means?" Its a tamil word for 'Experiences'